
Friday, 18 December 2015

What college has taught me


Hey guys:) 

I decided to take a break from writing blogs to focus on my coursework. Now that I'm on a break from college I'm currently in my second year at college, studying art. Next year I do hope to go on a level 3 course and hopefully become an art lecture because I feel that I can be a good role model for them and I can inspire the next generation of artists and designers out there! 

Here are some tips for those starting college in September or just want to become the better person you are. 

*What I'm writing is to do with personal experience, others personal experiences could be much different than mine.*

Be confident:
Ever since I left school in 2014 I had no confidence in myself, I left with no understanding of how life works and didn't know how to socialise. Now that I'm a college student it gave me a massive confidence boost, I made more friends that I never thought I have made and I have better understanding of how the world works. 

Be organised:
When I started my first year at college, my organisation wasn't great so I've been told that my work lacks organisation. However in my second year, I'm slowly getting better thanks to some feedback, a watch and a to do list. 

Be mature:
Not as in mature cheese but when I was in year 11 I was more mature than I was before I reached year 11. However I became even more mature than ever thanks to believing in myself and others. 

Never be afraid to follow your dreams:
When I was in school I wasn't able to follow my dreams, I had limited options, I didn't come prepared for employment and life. Now, I feel more prepared especially with options (gap year).

Rise above the haterz:
If someone tells you. "You can't do that." Tell them to do one - at the end of the day, you are doing what you want to do career wise - not them. 

Be yourself:
In school, you had to be the same as everyone else. In college JUST BE YOURSELF OKAY. DRESS HOW YOU WANT AND DO WHAT YOU LIKE!

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